Drum roll please…

OK, so over the last few weeks I have been hinting at some very exciting things happening in my life…finally I am able to publicly announce to the world…


  1. I am the featured guest artist in August Issue of Living the Photo Artistic Life.…yes that’s my pic on the cover well my image, not me)!!! Plus not 1, but two double page spreads! Woohoo, colour me excited. I was approached several weeks ago by Sebastian Michaels to be the next featured artist, I could not believe it…….ME? That then brought of a flurry of activity, I had to come up with all new images, good images..so that meant shoot after shoot. Thankfully I have a whole notebook full of ideas, so that was never a problem; actually coming up with the ideas is never the problem, the issue I have is figuring out HOW to shoot them! I then spent hours editing, re editing and then re editing again…we are our own worst enemies right? Many sleepless nights spent over the computer, and then after I had sent them to Sebastian’s Assistant…more sleepless nights worrying about which images they would pick and which would go on the front cover. Of course there are SO many fabulous artists featured in this month’s issue, the best ever I think (maybe I am a little biased?). Check it out here & hard copy prints are available for order too.
  2. My Artwork is now also featuring on Art Boja (Colour) Galleries, you can visit me here, the for sale link is not active as yet, but they tell me soon. If you wish to order a print you can contact me direct; julie.powell@outlook.com

    Art Boja

    3. I have been collaborating with a fellow blogger to create words and pictures in Adobe Spark presentations, you may have seen the first one here


4. So I have been working on another collaboration with another writer as well……..sorry back to more secrets on that for the moment, but it is very different from the lovely Poems Leslie has been writing for me, more of a short story based around a series of images……but sshh on that one for now!

So My life, has been blessed, but hectic and I am over the moon.

~ Julz