Weekly Photo Challenge – Evanescent

ev·a·nes·cent [evəˈnes(ə)nt]
1. Soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.

This week’s WPC theme is evanescent.  So many things can be thought of as fleeting; even life if you think about it. But today I am using a seasonal sort of fleeting, the quickly fading colour of Autumn leaves as they turn and then fall to the ground. To be picked up on vagrant winds and tossed around, or children picking up handfuls and throwing them into the air with glee, or the new buds blooming in the last rays of Autumn sunshine, only to bloom and die in the harsh Wintery winds, all things change, as do the seasons.



As the last of the leaves fall, I am reminded that Winter is nearly upon us and to enjoy the last sunny days while we can. But soon, Spring will be back with new growth and sunny days, fresh green grass and brightly coloured blooms; and I will be there with my camera to capture it all.

~ Julz