One Four Challenge – May Week 2

Robyn at Captivate Me, encourages us to explore new depths to our craft, experiment with mediums, light and shadow and everything in between with the One Four Challenge. I know over the last few months I have got to experiment and try things I would normally never attempt. It is a growing and learning curve, which is actually A LOT of FUN.  So for this week I have added a little Mock HDR complexity to my vintage wagon. I reverted last week’s to the original and then started again.

May OFC Week2-

So I have some filters in Lightroom I have won, or gotten hold off from various sites and freebies, and One of them is a Mock HDR, Titled; “Trey’s HDR in Lightroom on Recreational Drugs”  Now I know it doesn’t seem like much effort went into the post, but sometimes just pressing that one button is enough challenge :-). Anyway so now the HDR filter was applied I adjusted the whites and blacks a little more and dialed the saturation back just a touch. Still looks a little plastic, but overall I am fairly happy with the end result.

This is Week 1 version

May OFC Week1-
May Week 1 Image

So where to from here? Time to dig through some more freebies and see what I can come up with.

– Julz