Cover Make Over – Week 7 Wrap Up

So we all had a little bit of fun with the Counting Crows, Desert Life album cover, and everyone seemed to have a different take, although Goldfish remained a recurring theme!

This Desert Life-1

Embeecee from Sparks from a combustible mind, made a comment about Hot Fish! (I love that hehehehe) and that this challenge has encouraged to to have fun and polish off some rusty graphic art skills (I love that too)…..she also said some lovely things about me (and what’s not to love there?)………so many thanks for you kind words and wonderful design this week.newcovertdl


So Trev from Silly Old Sod, took his cue from the album title and went with a desert theme;

“I used stock photographs and layered the items on top of each other. Starting with the desert background, I added a small pyramid in the top right hand corner. Then the goldfish in the bowl which was another stock photo. I finished off with the text, and finally added the sun with some rays to give an impression of the desert in the midday heat.”


Sarah from First Night Designs, I really like the treatment on this one, it really stands out and is so very different from the other covers.

#photorehabcovermakeover Week 8 This Desert Life
#photorehabcovermakeover Week 8 This Desert Life © Sarah Vernon

“I adore the original by Dave McKean but didn’t want to repeat any aspect of it. Well, I have — as you can see, there’s a fish! I’ve used my surreal Beating the Bluesdesign and changed it to violet so no hint of a desert as there is with McKean’s background. And why violet? I made it a dark lime green to start with and thought better of it because so many of my makeovers have been green-based.

The band’s name is in Shopaholics Regular which looks rather different and pleasing from my having stretched the characters. The title of the album is in PT Sans Narrow Regular.”

New Cover coming up shortly for the week ahead, and don’t forget to Pingback and tag #CoverMakeOver. If you would like to suggest a cover for upcoming weeks, please let me know.
