Table for Five

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Circle of Five.”

A writer once said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If this is true, which five people would you like to spend your time with?

There are so many people I would love to spend time with, but have already left us; Robyn Williams, just one among them. But I will try and stay in the here and now;

  1. Billy Connolly – I think he is such an interesting and fascinating man, I wrote about him for another blog post, still stands
  2. Patrick Stewart – I have always enjoyed his acting and have seen a few interviews with this man, I think I would like to spend some time in his company
  3. David Eddings – Author, I really enjoy his writing style and I would love to pick his brain for ideas and study his creative process
  4. Prince Harry – I know weird choice huh? I think he is possibly more down to earth than some of the other Royals, and lets face it we all know he has a sense of Humor – could be an interesting person to spend some quality time with.
  5. I am torn between Robert Downey Jnr, Johnny Depp and Hugh Jackman, I think all 3 are diverse and interesting, I could be wrong but I think it would be fun to spend some time with each of them to find out.

I have just noticed they are all Men, I wonder what THAT says about me? But let’s face it this list will probably never happen, but then I already have some pretty cool people in my life,

  1. Moth – my Hubby is usually great company to be with, can always make me laugh, and gives me enough rein to creatively express myself, without getting into too much trouble.
  2. My Children – they are smart, funny and now just experiencing the world and life for themselves. We have many a conversation about where we all want to go with our futures.
  3. My Parents – Both of my parents are still with me (I am lucky), they have traveled extensively and still try to, they have experienced many varied and different avenues of life, and we have had some shared experiences as well.
  4. My Friends – I have a small, tight knit group of Friends. I like to surround myself with people I see in the following categories; intelligent, funny, creative, inquisitive, adventurous. Some of them are all 5, I like to think that I am all of those at various times as well. I have recently expanded that to include my Blog/ Photography friends.
  5. Work Colleagues – now it’s true you cannot always get to choose who you work with, I have a small pool of people at work; some of which I get along with very well and we have shared experiences as too.

I guess of all the people I spend time with, or I would like to spend time with I tend to surround myself with people I share a common interest; children, arts, photography, movies & music, intellectual compatibility, sense of humor, travel and sense of adventure. Which makes sense, I am all of the above combined and we all gravitate to what we know, or what we would like to be a part of. Also I do not like to surround myself with negative people; most of the people I spend time with are optimistic, but realistic, love a good laugh as much as an intelligent conversation and most of all know how to laugh at themselves and be a little bit silly on the odd occasion.

– Julz