Tales from the shoot – Toddler wrangling

As I mentioned yesterday I did a baby and toddler shoot with some fellow members of my Awake group (VIC). There was four photographers and five children; Charlie 3 weeks, Maggie 7 Months, Abbey, Blake and Nate, all about 2-3 years old. I would love to regale you of tales of children falling in creeks and chasing butterflies and yelling and screaming and tantrums…………but alas they were mostly a group of quiet, well behaved, pleasant children full of sunshine and smiles; and before you turn away bored……….they were way too cute.


This munchkin is sooooooooooooo cute and such a happy smiling baby, so easy to get her to smile and she enjoyed all the attention, only got a little cranky when she was getting too tired to sit by herself; our cue to let her rest.

Blake and Nate

These boys were a little restless at first, the studio is not very exciting for little boys, so I took them out to the gardens, the fish ponds, the creeks, the wooden bridges; so much to explore. Then we got out the bubbles and the boys found the dog’s toys and then they were throwing balls and stuff around, lots of giggles, but no one fell in the creek.


My pick for the day, what a snuggler, he was so good, hardly complained and let me do just about anything with him. Did even complain when I took all his clothes off, babies often don’t like to be naked.



Abbey was the only shy one for the day, who apart from a few candid shots, did not want to be in the photos, who could blame her, four adults, she has never met, shoving cameras in her face……….we were all probably quite scary. So we gave her lots of space, hoping she may come round, but she never did. This is really the only shot I got of her.


Anyway that’s about it, til next time, happy snapping…
