See Differently 15 – 15

A few of us have been doing a challenge this month on seeing the world a little differently, looking with fresh eyes on the things we normally bypass. It’s been a great challenge and one I have enjoyed immensely. I have been trying to find something for my last image, hence why I have not posted as yet. This morning on my way in to work, past the weeds in the overgrown garden bed (must remember to arrange a gardener), I saw a pop of purple…….it was probably there yesterday and the day before, but I just never noticed it.


OK,  so not the world’s prettiest plant but look how it stands out against the grey and green surrounding it…….let’s face it not a very pretty garden to begin with, it’s just in the car park.


I have no idea what it is, just intrigued me that I could walk past this every day and never noticed it before. Take the colour away and it is still noticeable.



There are just some of the images I have displayed over the last few weeks, why not head over to Robyn at CaptivateMe’s page and see more about this, it check out the hashtag#seedifferently2016

Well that it’s for me for this challenge, it has been enjoyable and challenging, as I have pushed myself to mostly use my Sony Smart Phone camera, there were a few shots that I didn’t but for very specific reasons. I also used my Lenka B&W App a bit as well.

Til next time, happy snapping and remember to look, up, down, side to side, in front, behind and under everything…you just never know what surprise is in store for you.

~ Julz