Monday Musings…

It has been a long and bizarre week, with lots of twists and turns. So last Friday I flew to Brisbane with Hubby, I had been booked to be a speaker and panellist for the Australian Photographic Society’s annual convention at HOTA (Home of the Arts) on the Gold Coast. Quite an honour, as it is my first major public speaking engagement. We arrived before lunchtime, no fuss or bother, collected the hire car and drove from Brisbane to the Gold Coast (we were driving back down to Brisbane to spend a few days with my daughter before flying home). We found a great little bistro for lunch and I turned my phone one to a complete debacle back home. Mum was in the hospital, which meant Dad was at home on his own…and I was 1000s of kms away. Spent most of the afternoon sorting all that out, albeit in glorious sunshine, instead of preparing my speech.

I will go into more detail on the weekend, but the convention was great, a real eye opening and such an experience.

MarissaL Superheroes
Marisa L took this photo of me and some of the convention committee members and turned us into Super Heroes…love me as Cat Woman, wish my legs looked THAT good lol

We spent a lovely few days with my daughter and son in law and the Grand Furchildren, who have of course grown so much…

We, of course, did some exploring and sightseeing, but not as much as last time, preference for spending time with family. We even met up with a nephew we had not seen in over 20 years.

We flew home Friday, delayed, peak hour traffic, tired and just wanted to get home, it’s not a long flight, but when you are ready to go home, you just want to go home!

Not that we sat still long, Saturday we were up at 5am to drive the two hours to Wonyip (Gippsland) to be the behind the scenes photographers on a Zombie Apocolypse Movie…I kid you not, here are two pics, one with the some of the Black Ops team and me with a few Zombies. Somedays I marvel at the weirdness of my life.

I was exhausted and stiff and sore, trudging through mud and scrub brush. Standing around doing not a lot most of the day, the typical film set stuff, sure makes me appreciate my Studio!

A week later Mum had surgery (Gall Stones), neighbours and family are rallying around Dad, I am back on deck, although so much work to catch up on, and I think Hubby and I are both now coming down with a head cold 😦

I will write up more posts on the various events of the last week, but until then I hope you all enjoy your week.

~ Julz, xo