Monday Musings…

I had a fairly quiet weekend by all accounts, I did paint a rather large canvas backdrop for an upcoming workshop, it was arduous and time-consuming, but I think hopefully worth it, my aching muscles still do not quite agree! I also made a full-length tulle skirt, for the same workshop and probably many others to come, I did not sew or anything, essentially just tying strips of cut tulle to a long piece of ribbon, so I hope it works! While creating this masterpiece I did watch a bit of TV. It has also been a quiet week and decided I need some downtime, so I binge watched even more TV.

The Greatest Showman


I am a big fan of Baz Luhrmann, adore his films – The Great Gatsby, Moulin Rouge, Romeo & Juliet and Australia (last one not my favourite), this has to be his best film yet. Right from the opening credits through to the end…stupendous. Great music, costumes, acting, staging, historical references, special effects…all were truly magnificent. If you have not seen it, DO! Unless…you really hate musicals, then maybe bypass it. 🙂

Thumbnail_MediaRelease_StackingAnnoucement-300x145I also binge watched the remake of Picnic at Hanging Rock, this is an Australia classic, remade recently, taken from a 2-hour movie to a 6-hour Mini-Series for TV. Beautifully done, with so many added bits and pieces and an alternate ending, it’s strange, I have never read the book by Joan Lindsay, so I do not know which is more accurate, although the book is fictional. The suspense and drama built into this show were fabulous, and I loved the strange twists at the end, although still so many unanswered questions.

I have been teaching Moth Photoshop, so that has been taking up a bit of time as well, but he is getting much better and does not need me as often as when he started. He has been busy re-editing some old shots, not so much as creating new composites or anything, he thinks he is not creative and cannot ‘see’ an image as I can, I do not think he gives himself enough credit. Time will tell.

I have also been organising some pretty cool collaborations with other creatives as well, I have a whole weekend planned with another photographer coming to Melbourne, I am working with a designer, something I have been wanting to do for awhile and I am very excited about. She creates clothing and intricate and elaborate headpieces so it will be interesting to work with her and HMUA Ally to see what we can come up with. I am also arranging a date with another Conceptual Photographer, who I have worked with before, but not for quite some time, so that should be fun too. All will be very different and all will stretch my creativity. Plus I am hoping to get Micaela back into the studio, but this time in front of the camera, Micaela is a very talented ballerina as well as an amazing makeup artist and we have been working on a rather interesting collaboration of our own. There is more and it will all come about in its own time. I love these collaborations, it allows me to explore ideas I may not have come up with on my own, but I do need to pick wisely, it needs to be someone I think I can work well with.


Sunday, we were supposed to meet some other Togs for an Open Day at a local Tank Museum (Only usually opens once a year), we got there late and the queue to get anywhere near the place was ridiculous, so of course we gave up and left, photos would be impossible with a crowd like that, oh well wasn’t really my gig anyway. So we stopped in at Cardinia Lake for a few shots. Honestly, it was very cold and a bit windy, with big storms brewing on the horizon, so we did not stay long – we did see a rainbow. It was also time to pack up my Dapper Rabbit exhibit, sadly it has run its course. Lots of exposure and an interesting experience, I hope I can exhibit there again in the future.

Not much else to report, it wet and cold and gloomy and I need to stop being such a sook, lol. I hope you have an amazing week, I have a fairly busy one this week, more on that later.

~ Julz xo