Share your world – 3rd September 2019

It’s SPRING! Well, here in the Southern hemisphere anyway. Spring is my second favourite season…I love the blooms and new growth, but it can be windy and rainy (hence why it is not my favourite). We have spent a bit of time hibernating this Winter, we have gone back to not doing much going out, bad, but between work and workshops, I have not had time for much else. Hopefully, with the warmer weather, I will be getting out and about more, starting this Friday with a whole new adventure! But back to Melanie’s questions for SYW


When you’re 90 years old, what do you suppose will matter most to you? Assuming I am still around at 90, I hope I can look back on life with a smile and know I was a good person, I had lots of adventures and was not afraid to live life to the full. I am hoping it will not be full of regret, but full of memories and laughter.Julie Powell_Mt Tamborine-24

What’s the best way to spend a rainy afternoon? Either in the studio shooting some till life, or food, flowers…something, or curled up on the couch with the dogs. Perhaps a book or watching a movie or some Netflix.

What is one thing you don’t understand about yourself? Why I can be so focused and yet so lazy at the same time. I hate exercising but will walk somewhere for a great photo lol.

When was the last time you tried something to look ‘cool’ (hip), but it ended in utter embarrassment?   Details? Probably in school? I honestly can’t remember. I have not tried in a VERY long time. I am myself, I wear comfy clothing that is serviceable, I don’t really go for trends.


In two more days, I am off on another adventure, two weeks to leave all the ‘stuff’ at home. I am so grateful that I have these opportunities, that I have the means to travel, even if it is only a few hours away. We are heading to South Australia (Inland not via coast) and then to Kangaroo Island via Victor Harbour on a ferry. We will spend a few days getting there and then a week on KI and a few days when we get home. There are a few spots I hope to stop and visit; Little Desert, The Grampians among them.

sea bay
Sea Lions of KI – Not my Photo

I hope the weather will be kind to us, but we are expecting it to be a little cold and windy, still looking forward to some adventures.

~ Julz, xo

P.S. I possibly will not be posting for SYW for the next couple of weeks due to internet reception and time, but I will be back on deck soon.