One Four Challenge – July Week 1

Oh My is it really July already? Wow. OK so every week Robyn at Captivate Me asks us to give up a different edit each week on the same image, I actually had a lot of fun last month with my succulent (even though most people seem to think it was shells or stones? I guess, abstract – my work is done) and decided this week to try with a flower. I found this beautiful rose (Is it a Rose or Carmelia?) at Kamesburgh Gardens last weekend, and wondered just how far I can take and alter this image………so here’s is Week 1 for July; White Rose

wpid-img_20150621_201957.jpgThis particular edit;

  1. I cropped quite tightly
  2. created several adjustment layers to increase the conceptual depth of field and darkness in the background
  3. added more shadows on the rear petals
  4. I also added a blue/ white gradient to add some depth and luminosity to the flower
  5. I increased the saturation of the yellows only to make the stamens pop
  6. I then added a oil painting filter to soften the image, ever so slightly

The flower was not perfect and I have left the little brown and yellow splotchy stains on the petals…….I did not want to remove them. All of this was done is PS.

Til next time…………happy snapping

–  Julz