Summer Outings – Fairy Rade

It’s been a busy weekend and a lot of fun, Melbourne turned on it’s usual charm and we had perfect summer weather. I had a special treat in store for today’s adventure, and Moth and I had planned to make a day of it.

We got up early and went to shoot early at Studley Boat House and then looking for street art out Collingwood way. The Boathouse is just gorgeous, but I will do another post on this another time.

Then off we went to the City to meet a fellow WordPress Blogger Friend, who has just recently joined us folk down south; for brunch. After a lovely brunch along South Bank we then took Desley to see some small parts of Melbourne’s famous (or infamous?) Street Art on the way to a Fairy Rade (kind of like the Zombie Parade I missed late last year, but with fairies, imps, witches, wizards, druids and so much more). We met up with some of my Peeps from my Tog Group and made a real afternoon of it. It was quite warm, hot in fact and we didn’t stay all afternoon. We finished off with a lovely cool drink in one of the more shaded alley ways and some lovely conversation. All too soon it was time to head home.

Meeting up with a fellow WordPress Blogger is a real treat, to meet up with someone face to face after spending so long chatting with them here, it’s rather nice 🙂

Til next time, happy snapping………..
