Share Your World – 26th December 2017

This will be my last post for this year for SYW, I stuck with it and I am pretty sure I did not miss a week (But I could be wrong), I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone.  Let’s see how I do in 2018.

What caring thing are you going to do for yourself today? Chill and relax, not that I am suffering from stress, I have been on holidays almost a week and the days are flying by. But today is the day after Christmas for me, no more festivities, not that we did a lot anyway.

List at least five of your favorite spices? (excluding salt and pepper) Cannot say I am a big user of spices, although occasional put nutmeg and allspice in a dish. Not overly fond of many others. I much prefer herbs, I use herbs all the time. My favorite herbs are oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, parsley, and chives.

What can you always be found with? Most people would think my answer is a camera, and for the most part, they would be correct, but not always. I rarely leave the house without my keys and phone, but I don’t ALWAYS have them on me. This is a tough one. Just for a giggle, let’s say I am found with clothes on, with or without my camera, lol.

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. Nothing particularly inspirational this week, just enjoying being, existing outside of work. I often get to the end of the year feeling a little burnout and used up, I enjoy getting away from all the pressure and business and craziness of the season for just a few days beforehand. We often actually go away a week before Christmas, last year we could not as Buddy had his knee surgery and this year Hubby was on call for a week before for work, finished at 7am on Christmas morning, which is also Moth’s birthday.

JuliePowell_Merry XMas_1

My Christmas E-card this year symbolized everything I felt for the season this year, minimalist and simple. I felt the need for very little this year. We had no festivities at our house this year and I did not even feel the need to put up a tree. My heart ached for my baby girl, all alone on Christmas Day this year, so very far away from us. Even though I will see her in a few days, it still makes me sad.

So I guess that is definitely my thing to look forward to this week, on Sunday we fly to Brisbane to spend a week with my baby girl and her husband, sand, surf and sunshine and of course, lots of exploring with the cameras, a new adventure awaits.

Thank you, Cee and everyone else for the posts, comments, and support throughout 2017, I wish everyone a safe and happy new year.

~ Julz, xo