Tuesday’s Textures – Urban Jungle

I created this piece of art just for fun, the model image is by Caroline Julia Moore (I have her permission). I even wrote a short story to go with it, it’s been far too long.  Through some of the smoke haze that was beginning to clear, she could see the shattered remnants of the…

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Friday Fiction – Hush My Child

He stood alone, the last of his kind, gentling cradling his child, the last hope for his people, now scared and hungry and too tired to go on. He felt much the same way himself, how did this come to pass? He stood surrounded by an army of faceless mechanoids, the air filled with smoke, and the buzz of a hundred thousand drones.

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Brain Power

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Brain Power.” Let’s assume we do, in fact, use only 10% of our brain. If you could unlock the remaining 90%, what would you do with it? Ummmmm…….did anyone see that movie Lucy? Not sure if I want to unlock the remaining 90% if I am just…

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