Share Your World – Week 45

Every week Cee asks three questions, with which we get to answer and share a little of our world with our readers and friends.

Describe your own outlook on life in seven words or less. Loyalty, truth, justice, enjoy, fun, love, cherish

Where do you like to vacation? I do love somewhere tropical, but anywhere where there is something to explore and photograph

Candy factories (sweets or treats including chocolate) of the entire world have become one and will now be making only one kind of candy. Which kind, if you were calling the shots? I hate to admit it, but I LOVE Chocolate, it doesn’t always love ME back, but I do love it. Especially Milk or mostly dark chocolate….not a big fan of white.

Complete this sentence: Something that anyone can do that will guarantee my smile is… Bad jokes! Or simply offer me a smile of yours. Chrisa is right a smile from a friend or even a complete stranger will melt most hearts and put a smile on your dial. My Kids and animals usually make me smile (or swear).

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? I never know where to start on this one, I am grateful for every single day I am still on this planet. But I guess I must say my friends and family and the support I get to push myself and my art further. 
